Our Christmas Recipes
Nuremberg gingerbread (Elisenlebkuchen aus Nürnberg)
You need:
1 package of medium size wafer papers for baking
300 g of milled almonds
300 g of milled hazelnuts
100 g of candied citron peel
100 g of candied orange peel
4 complete eggs
200 g of powdered sugar
½ tsp. of ginger
½ tsp. of cardamom
1 pinch of cloves
1 tsp. of cinnamon
For garnishing:
sugar coating
chocolate coating
sugar pearls
almonds peeled
That´s what you have to do:
1. Hash almonds, hazelnuts, candied citron peel and candied orange peel with a kitchen aid.
2. Put eggs and powdered sugar in a bowl and stir.
3. Add spices to the beaten and stir for short.
4. Add almonds, hazelnuts, candied citron peel and candied orange peel and whisk
5. Cover the wafer papers with the mixture.
6. Bake in oven for about 20 minutes (170-180 °C).
Christmas stollen (Christstollen)
A German recipe from Bavaria
You need:
1 kg flour
3-4 cubes of yeast
3/8 l lukewarm milk
2 eggs
100 g of sugar
lemon peel
300 g of butter
200 g of raisins soaked in rum
200 g of currants soaked in rum
150 g of chopped almonds
100 g of candied citron peel
1 tsp. of cardamom
1 tsp. of mace
1 pinch of cloves
After baking:
100 g of liquid butter
100 g of powdered sugar
That´s what you have to do:
1. Cover a baking plate with baking paper.
2. Sift flour into a bowl and push a hollow into the middle.
3. Crumble the yeast into the flour and stir with milk, 1 tsp of sugar and some flour.
4. Cover the yeast sponge and let it prove for 20 minutes.
5. Mix the remaining sugar with eggs, butter, lemon peel and salt. Knead the mixture with the complete flour and the yeast sponge to a yeast dough.
6. The yeast dough should be smooth, soft and not glammy.
7. Let the yeast dough prove for another 30 minutes.
8. Wash raisins and currants with hot water and dabble them with paper towel. Then mix the raisins with chopped almonds, candied citron peel and candied orange peel. Add rum, cover the mixture and let it steep.
9. Knead the fruit mixture and the spices within a short period of time under the dough.
10. Split the yeast dough into two rods and roll the rods carefully. They should be thinner in the middle than at the edges.
11. Fold the dough lengthways to form a typical Christmas stollen shape.
12. Put it on a baking plate, cover it and let it prove for another 20 minutes. The stollen should noticeably gain in size!
13. Heat up oven beforehand on 200 up to 210 °C. Let the Christmas stollen bake for about 60 up to 70 minutes, brush it with melted butter while still hot. Then dredge it with a thick coat of sugar.
Enjoy your meal!
Bamberg potato salad (Bamberger Kartoffelsalat)
You need:
1 kg potatoes
(e. g. Bamberger Hörnchen, a special kind of potatoes growing in the Bamberg area)
1 bunch of chives(e. g. Bamberger Hörnchen, a special kind of potatoes growing in the Bamberg area)
1 hackled onion
2 hackled pickled gherkins
1 hackled carrot
2 hackled pickled gherkins
1 hackled carrot
1/8 l of meat or vegetable broth
½ tsp. of salt
1 – 2 tsp. of sugar
2 tsp. of medium-strength mustard
4 tbsp. of white wine vinegar
That´s what you have to do:
1. Wash the potatoes and boil them like jacket potatoes (with jacket) till soft, peel them with a knife and cut them into thin slices.
2. Wash the chives and cut them fine, peel the onion and the carrot and hackle them and the gherkins into small pieces.
3. Boil 1/8 l of water and melt the bouillon cube in it, then mix all the ingredients of the marinade.
4. Compound potato slices, chives and marinade and let it marinade for one hour.
4. Compound potato slices, chives and marinade and let it marinade for one hour.
5. Dredge the potato salad with chives before serving.
Our Easter Recipies
Easter lamb
You need:
100g soft butter
100g sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar
1 tablespoon of rum
a pinch of salt
60g ground nuts
60g flour
60g corn starch
Preheat the oven at 180°C.
Beat eggs, butter, sugar and vanilla sugar
and work them into a light mixture.
Add rum and salt and mix with flour, nuts,
Butter the lamb-shaped baking mould well
and dust it with flour. Fill the dough into the
mould and bake for 35- 40 minutes at 180°C.
Allow to cool for 5 min and open the mould.
Let the lamb cool down completely before taking
it out of the mould.
Sprinkle it with icing sugar and serve it with a
pennal for your Easter breakfast!
Happy Easter!
Easter Bunnys

You need:
400g marzipan paste
100g icing sugar
2 egg whites (beaten)
2 egg yolks
unpeeled almonds
Mix marzipan, icing sugar, flour and stiffly beaten egg whites and knead well.
Form bigger (body) and smaller (head) balls and put them together. They should not be bigger than 5 cm.

Stick almonds into the heads as ears and brush with egg yolk.
Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 – 200°C.
Franconian Bratwurst with Asparagus
You need:
1 kg of asparagus
1/2l water
1-2 teaspoons of salt
½ teaspoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
100g butter
4 pairs of bratwurst (typical franconian sausage)
50g butter to fry
800g small potatoes
Peel potatoes and boil in salted water until done.
Wash and peel the asparagus.
Place the asparagus in salted boiling water with a pinch of sugar and some lemon juice for 4-5 minutes.
Put the bratwurst into frying pan and fry form all sides until brown.
Melt 100g of butter and let it simmer until slightly brown.
Wash and cut the chives into small pieces.
Drain and shock the asparagus with cold tap water. Allow them to drip off, then dry with a paper towel.
Put asparagus, potatoes and a pair of bratwurst on a plate, pour melted butter over asparagus and potatoes and garnish with chopped chives.
A french recipe by german team : la mousse au chocolat
An austrian recipe by german team : Krampus yeast dough specialty